This year was our largest ever turnout for tryouts! We want to thank everyone that participated and helped support our efforts across Southern Arizona. Thank you to all the coaches and volunteers that spent long hours and nights planning and setting the sessions up. We love our staff but without the players and families we would not be where we are today.
We want to send out a huge thank you to all the athletes and their families for getting out there and trying out at all of our many field sites. With over 1,100 players signing up from across Southern Arizona, this year was not only our largest ever tryout it was our largest ever year over year increase. Thank you, Southern Arizona! We greatly appreciate the support and trust you have shown to our club. We are committed to creating a quality competitive, yet positive environment for all of our athletes and staff! Each year we expect our players to improve and we are working to better ourselves as a club and coaching staff right along with them. We embrace the growth mindset approach at RSL-AZ Southern, we are working to continuously improve and get better each day! If you missed tryouts, it is not too late. Complete this online form and our staff will reach out to you.
1,100 Kids at tryouts!