Boy’s DA Director Mike Kraus and Girl’s DA Director Tiffany Roberts will be holding a series of talent identification sessions in Tucson. This is open to all players and all clubs who want a shot at playing at the highest level for youth soccer.
We recently announced RSL-AZ was one of the latest clubs to join the US Development Academy on the boys’ side. So, now we have DA options for girls with Utah Royals FC Arizona and boys with RSL-AZ.
What are ID sessions?
The Development Academy offers various talent identification opportunities for Academy players through both league play and at events. Since the 2007-08 Development Academy season, 19 Academy alumni have earned Men’s National Team Call-Ups and 1,250 Academy players earned Youth National Team call-ups. Over 160 Development Academy alumni have played in Major League Soccer, with approximately another 50+ alumni at professional environments overseas.
Here are the details:
Boys ID Session
Thursday April 4th
Rillito Park Fields 5 & 6
2009/2008* – 5:30-7:00 PM
2007/2006 – 7:00-8:30 PM
*2008 and 2009 open only to RSL-AZ Players
Girls ID Session
Wednesday April 10th
Rillito Park Fields 5 & 6
2008/2007/2006 – 5:30- 7:00 PM
2005/2004/2003 – 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Please arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to the session to register and get checked in. Players should wear black shorts and socks. Shirts will be provided for the boys’ session.
Pre-registration is now open for the girls’ session: